Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Please feel free to Comment with your memories of Robert K. Fox

It would mean a lot to his wife and family if people who knew Robert Fox would leave comments on their memories of him.  In particular any nick-names and stories behind them or bob-isms/anecdotes would be appreciated.


We have many happy memories of Bob playing games while doing family campouts an Chris annual trip up to our house to "work the woods" ... We will miss him so much!
Bob n Julie

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My memories of Uncle Bob start in California. I will never forget all the Joshua trees in the back yard (well, on the other side of the fence) and cats! I always loved cuddling with all of the cats while watching cartoons in the living room.
Uncle Bob watched a lot of cartoons with us kids- a standout is The Road Runner *beep *beep.
Eventually we moved up north to the Pacific Northwest- soon to be followed by the Fox's. Family gatherings were always fun in Toledo and I was always a little bit jealous of the tent trailer that Uncle Bob and Aunt Zelta would bring up to the house, it looked like so much fun!
Uncle Bob would always fall asleep in the recliner in the living room- as would Uncle Ron, Uncle Al, in fact- all the boys did it eventually- that is when you knew that they had been well fed and "played" out for the afternoon.
I will certainly miss Uncle Bob!
Janell... Nells...

i,Zelta,take you Bob,to be my husband,to love, honor, and support you and to be there when you need a friend to always listen when you need someone to talk to.

I have so many memories of Lancaster, CA and spending time with Bob. Some of these memories are:

-Doing the ‘Sheep Poop” shuffle west of Lancaster after launching a model rocket that inadvertently set the dry stubble grass on fire, the wind fanning the small blaze to various piles of poop, making them explode. All of us (all of us being Uncle LeRoy, Zelta, Bob, Darla, Larry, Kenny, Ray and Sheri, myself and Pam) were desperately stomping and shuffling, trying to put out the fire, while Bob was on the Walkie-Talkie down range, practicing his Texas drawl, completely oblivious to the mayhem. Looking back, I really don’t know what is funnier: Bob’s drawl or seeing a devout Nazarene (Uncle LeRoy) put down a really good dance!;

-Cutting wood at his family’s cabin in Camp Nelson and playing CCR, the music blaring and echoing through the once quiet forest;

-Being in “Matilda” (A late 50’s-early 60’s yellow Dodge truck); with a full load of wood. We were sitting at a stop light on Sierra Hwy. and Ave. I when Bob and I heard the sound of a little car (an MGB) approaching, then slamming on their brakes, creating a terrible squeal. Bob said; “Hang on!” and he put both feet on the brake pedal. A terrible crash ensued, followed by a moment of silence. Matilda simply rocked gently back and forth from the impact and we looked at each other with an expression of, “What in the world was THAT!” We heard the car start several times and finally came to life with a horrible crunching, knurling sound. The driver backed up, crunched the transmission in gear, and sputtered off, turning right onto Ave I, leaving a trail of steam and smoke, which made it easy for the police officer to follow after checking on us to see if we were ok. Matilda’s rear hitch ball served as a wonderful can opener on the MG, with green paint on the hitch ball serving as a reminder of the ordeal.

-Making ourselves insanely dizzy by seeing who could hold their breath the longest at the pool. We used a weight made from a soda can; pouring molten lead into the can nearly destroyed it, but we had a great weight! Bob won, with a best time of 4:33 or there about;

-Watching Monty Python movies, laughing ourselves nearly to the point of getting sick. Bob’s laughter was so contagious he had me gasping – and praying for the simple things in life, like AIR!;

-Driving around in his commuter car, a 1968 Toyota Corona (Yes, Corona) that was affectionately nick-named “The Turbo”;

-Spending quality man to man time, discussing life, cars, guns, Billy Jack (who he referred to as “Billy Bud”) and anything else that came to mind.

Oh, my friend, my Brother in Christ! I miss you so much! How I look forward to seeing you again in Glory; when the tears of sorrow are replaced with joy and laughter!


My family and I met Bob and Zelta and their family at church years ago and we eventually worked together in the food ministry at the church. There were many times that we were all dead tired from loading and unloading, stocking shelves, cleaning and preparing the night before an outreach, only to start again the next day with handing out food boxes and ministering to the people who came to get food. When everyone was at their breaking point and ready to fall over with exhaustion, Bob always had some sort of antics, joke or story to help us regain some energy from the laughter and continue so we could finish the job. He also was the one that encouraged me to apply for my current job and was always a bright spot in my day when I would run into him at the Shop at TVF&R. He always had a story to tell and entertained all of us around the campsite while camping together. He was an amazing artist, though he was very humble about his abilities. He was always willing to lend a helping hand and many have benefited from his handiness. Bob and his whole family have been there for many including me and my family over the years and I am proud to say he was my friend. We are all missing you deeply Bob.! Rest In Peace! Very Sincerely, Carol Goates

The Bob we knew was a man who could tell a good story, a man who could make us laugh with his silly jokes, a man who would listen and just let you talk, a man who was interested in what you had to say, a man who would always help out a friend, a man who seemed to always have on a smile, a man who stood for what is right, a man who enjoyed his friends, a man who was seeking God and a man who loved his family deeply. We can't imagine our world without Bob, but are so grateful for his friendship and look forward to the day when we will all gather round the fire again. Liam and Tammy

Bob was always encouraging and had something relevant to say. He could also take a serious moment and make it lighthearted. I recall an extremely funny moment when my husband left his 1983 Harley motorcycle at Bob and Zel's house and we had gone to the Antelope Valley Fair together. Bob followed us later, but not before he'd left a "Fair Special" sign on the bike with an initial price of $1,500, crossing out subsequent prices, eventually lowering it to "Free!". Then there was the early morning ride to Devil's Punchbowl for Easter Sunrise Service, at the ungodly hour of 3:30 in the morning to make it out there in time, in the 1968 Corona "Turbo". We munched on coffee and donuts to help bring the brain to a coherent state. I recall Bob also sharing the equivalent word of "thingamajig" to being "gonkculator". Then too, where would I be in this world had Bob not introduced me to the fine world of"Weird Al" Yankovic? Bob was a kindhearted person, thinking of others and I was honored to have known him.

It's actually hard to write something about Bob, because that means I have to wrap my mind around the fact that he isn't here and that is just SO hard for me to comprehend, and certainly not something I want to accept. And how do you describe such a precious person in a paragraph or two?

Bob loved the Lord, and adored his family. Bob was like sunshine that came into a room and lit it up. Bob was an exceptional artist. Bob knew how to be a friend.

I remember the times we gathered together and laughed, played, ate, fished, sat by the water, hiked, gathered around a fire, hung out, cleaned (remember the garage extravaganza!), celebrated, BBQ-ed, talked parenting strategies, discussed philosophy.......but it really all boiled down to love. We loved hanging out with you guys. You all became part of our family. You loved our kids like they were yours, and we loved yours like they were ours.

I loved how you would help Zelta pick peaches, and berries. You would help the kids with one of their cars, or help a neighbor fix something. You helped people and didn't take money when they offered it. You would tell it like it was. David would do his Sean Connery impression and you laughed til you cried. Then you would turn around and do your impressions of David and you were SO SPOT ON, and we have never laughed so hard.

But the memory I hold closest to my heart, was when David and I were hurting so bad. You and Z were sitting on the couch, David and I were across from you. I was sitting on the floor and D was in a chair. When we broke down while telling you our pain, you quickly got up and dropped on your knees between D and I, put your arms around both of us and cried with us. And we all prayed together. You were there in our darkest hour. You knew how to be the very best of friends. And you were there when so many others walked away from us, and didn't even ask if we were OK.

You were a treasure in our life, and I can't imagine you not in it. I know dear Bob that you struggled, I can't imagine how hard it must have been, but in my heart that will NEVER be the sum of who you are, because you were just SO MUCH MORE than the alcohol. Your life was so much more than that.

I'm so grateful your in the arms of your savior, and I can just picture us all, in heaven, around a campfire..........and you and David are doing the BEST impressions of the disciples EVER!! I can't wait to see you again my friend.

Its so hard to condense the last 10 years down into something to write, so I may come back. My children loved to stand at our back door and call into Bob and Zelta's yard, and always there was a happy smile and hello in return. I have to admit, I was eaves dropping on a conversation the two of you were having last week, one night after Bob got home, and it was warm so the windows were open. I heard you sharing your interactions with my silly children who trampled through your garden and always sought you out if you were in sight... and if you weren't they'd ring the bell. Never once did I see anything but love. Such kind neighbors, such loving friends.

Two weeks ago I asked my wife, Carol to give Zelta a call to arrange a time for us to get together with the Fox’s. It had been a long time since with had gotten together & we should do it as soon as it could be arranged. So, it was decided we could meet the next morning since we all had the day off. We met for coffee & tea while catching up with what was going on with us & our families. They shared of their excitement of getting closer to bringing to reality their desire to move up to Washington. We talked of the light rail training program I’m in. Bob shared his possibilities of potential jobs up there. Of course TVF&R was in the conversation with Carol & Bob sharing stories of many of their cohorts. It was Bob who told Carol of a job opportunity there nearly 5 yrs ago. Wow, a lot of changes in those last 5 yrs. Back then, the Fox’s & Goates were plugging away with Kings Kindness. That’s the place we really got started with our relationship. Lots of long hours, sore aches & pains. But, Bob & Zelta were always there to help. Amazing people, that’s just what they did. Always there to help someone who needed the help. Bob was always fixing a single mom’s car, or many times one of our cars. Helping repair something broken on someone’s house. I seem to remember blood or bandages were always a possibility when it came to repairs. But, that never stopped Bob from finishing the job without a complaint. Bob & Zelta were always generous, with their time, energy & vehicles. We used their Blazer S-10 when our car was down more than once. They offered the Blazer & trailer for our annual BFF Beaver Bay camp trip so we could go. My fondest memories of Bob were when the Goates clan went camping with the Fox’s, Sanders, O’Doherty’s @ Beaver Bay. His imitations of Dave Sanders around the campfire were absolutely hilarious.
Not sure why I felt the urgency for getting together. But, sure glad it happened. We had experienced a lot together. Many shared times of joy, exhaustion, building each other up. We cried & laughed. We all have weaknesses, I’m sorry yours took you from us. I choose to remember all the good things. You were a remarkable, generous, smart, gifted, fun, much loved man. I will miss you my friend, BobFreakinFox.
Dave Goates

I knew the Fox's for about 7 years as a neighbor across the street. Bob always had a smile in his face... He was a devoted father and husband. Alwasy said hello and asked how we are doing. A man who couldn't do anything to a fly or a bug. I have the family in my prayers. Your former neighbor Bea Morris and family.

Memories of my brother: I am Jeffrey the older brother just above Rob/Bob. Here are a few stories I have of him.

Being the older brother, it was my job, if not my duty, to bug and terrorize him as often as possible. When he was about 10, I would guess, me being about 14, he decided that he was going to get me back. There was a package of oreo cookies on the counter and after he had his share he decided to prepare one for me. He knew I would be coming home from school soon after him and would head straight for the cookies. He removed a cookie, scrapped the cream center out of it and replaced it with Elmer’s glue. He then put it back in the package making sure it was in the position to be the next one removed from the package. He never said a word, just waited for me to eat it. Later that evening Mom yelled out from the kitchen to Dad, asking him if he would like a cookie, his response was “God no, those things are terrible, throw them out!”

As a young child he pretended to be superman and used anything he could as a cape. Any old towel or scarf. One particular time I heard this weird muffled call for help, I went outside and found him hanging by his cape from a tree. I lifted him up and unhooked him, he said he was trying to fly with his latest cape. It never crossed our minds he could have really hung himself.

I remember he loved Monty Python and flying circus, Dr. Dimento and the Marks brothers. He had a autographed photo from Groucho,

One Christmas, as adults, he found my movie camera sitting on the table, without saying a word, he picked it up and took a short video of himself mugging for the camera. Then he set it back down where he found and never said a word. After the holidays I picked up the developed film and we were watching the Christmas home movie when suddenly appears my brothers face, throwing kisses and generally haming it up for camera.

I remember when we brought him home from the hospital. I was standing on the “hump” in the floor of the back seat, looking over moms shoulder and this screaming, red faced kid. I thought “you went there to get that!, boy I don’t get it”.

I love that when I think of Rob I have laughter. The last words I said to him, were I love you. This isn’t the way it should be. I shall always miss him. Love Jeff/Jeffrey

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Even thinking about, Bob Fox, makes me smile for so many reasons. Besides his ability to bring light and laughter into nearly any situation, our Bob also brought a gentle, loving, and genuinly caring heart. Like all of us, he was human and had human weaknesses, but a weak heart was not one of them.
When I first met the Fabulous Fox's, I saw this wonderfully Bohemian, creative woman wearing a hat with a flower on it, coming across the room after church. She was on a mission . . . full of purpose . . . the embodiment of energy. I knew immediately that I would love this woman. Then I became aware of a man following behind her. He was obviously smitten by this dynamo and followed obediently and with complete devotion behind her. I'm fairly certain he was wearing a Haiwain shirt that day. Bob Fox, I would come to understand, ADORED his wife and lived in awe of his kids. As I'd be in conversation with Andy or Robbie, I could see a look of wonder in Bob's face as he tried to figure out how such brilliant and funny young men could possibly carry his genetic material. His imitation of Susie and Ari as they'd giggle and chatter with adolescent glee had us all in stitches. Nonetheless, it was obvious that Bob gazed upon Susie as a princess that Zelta had somehow managed to single-handedly conjure from some mysterious female fairy land. It was at least a year or two before I even knew that Steven was not genetically Bob's . . . because there was no doubt that Steven was, indeed, Bob's son. I saw the pride in Bob as he watched Steven fall in love with his own son. I have never seen Bob disappointed in his kids for any reason. I have never seen anything less than awe when he looked at or spoke about his family . . . and his friends. There is no doubt that Bob's heart reflected that of our saviour's. His love is genuine, unconditional, and forever.
When we see him again, I know there will be laughter and some great stories. Perhaps Moses will tell us about a series of practical jokes that he and Bob had played on eachother through the years.
Bob, I look forward to seeing you again. In the meantime, though, you will continue to make us all smile.

I am posting this for my mom, Marcia Fay Cobb.

"I remember Bob's sense of humor right from our very first meeting. Bob introduced first Zelta and then himself. My husband Randy commented, "What a beautiful name. Referring, of course, to Zelta's name he asked, "How is it spelled? Without skipping a beat Bob answered right back, "B-O-B." Oh, how we laughed. I so enjoyed listening to Bob and Dave Sanders playing off each other. They kept us laughing and laughing.

I remember when our big Empress Tree was cut down; and Bob had, I think, two of his boys chopping up a good portion into firewood for us. I had no idea this was something he often did for others. It was obvious that the boys learned the proper way to do it from their dad. But, that was Bob--always helping someone.

Something else very obvious was the love Bob had for Zelta and his family. God used Bob to bless so many people. Even though I'm greatly saddened about the tragic loss of Bob, my life has been blessed by knowing Bob--my brother in the Lord. We'll meet again, dear friend.
Marcia Fay Cobb"

you were my SWEETHEART, i was your SWEETIE PIE. we had over 30 years together, most of them were GREAT years!! we had our struggles, but that made us stronger and closer. you were there for me when my mama went home to heaven, then again when my dad went too. i was there for you when it was your dad gone. you provided for me n our children very well, we never went hungry, always had a home and a vehicle. you taught me how to really trust God to lead me, cause you let Him lead you! thank you for all those years that you loved me, cared for me, provided for my needs. i miss you so!

My favorite story told by Bob was "Bob Freaking Fox":) I remember my brother Nathan and I where talking and Nathan was talking about his "B.F.F." when Bob walks by and says," Bob Freaking Fox!" out of nowhere. Then he told us B.F.F. were his initials:-D When ever I see B.F.F. I think of Bob. And it always makes me laugh! I miss you Bob!!!

Maddie Hunt

hard to believe you've been gone almost 4 months now. thank you for looking ahead, and preparing for MY future without you. Thank you for loving me so much, that even in your leaving this world, i am provided for. it has been very hard without you, but Father has held me, guided me, loved me, provided for me in your absence. He has directed my steps, helped me to make tough decisions. I loved you with all my heart!!! it hurts so much without you! i miss you!!
your zelly

my love, tomorrow marks 6 months you've been gone. i miss you so much!

well, now its been almost 13 months since you went away. i miss you sew!!! hard to believe that 30 years ago we were anxiously awaiting our wedding day. planning it all, planning our honeymoon to Solvang then off to Hawaii. oh why did you have to drink??? why did you not talk to me?? why were you so determined to end it all??? at times i want a 'do over', you know, like we did as kids when something went terribly wrong. re do THAT day, make different choices..............but, i can not. this is what i have to live with. I love you!!!
your sweetie pie

Dear uncle bob, I am watching James and the Giant Peach with my boys. I remember my first time watching it in your home with you and Andy susee and Robby. I remember watching you and dad and uncle bob Johnson laughing hysterically at home alone at thanksgiving. Then your communal naps after dinner. I remember you taking andy susee Lindsay and I to the mall and down town Portland. We had so much fun! Thank you for being such a wonderful uncle and amazing part of my life! I love and miss you very dearly! I'll see you again someday uncle bob! And what a beautiful day that will be. Love you! Your Hannah banana

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